Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Welcome to My Jeopardy! Blog

I was lucky enough to appear on Jeopardy! four times in June of 2012 (Thursday/Friday 21-22 and Monday/Tuesday 24-25). Maybe since then, you've asked me "So, what was it like?" and maybe I've kind of looked at the ceiling and flailed my hands around and said, "Um, it was... cool?!", which probably was not a hugely informative response. Since I know I enjoyed reading about contestants' experiences before I went on the show, hopefully here I'll be able to collect my thoughts into a less scattered bundle ("What is a bundle??") that will be interesting for someone to read.

So, welcome. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I love talking about Jeopardy! and would be happy to answer (in the form of a question).

Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting There, Part II

The Call came toward the end of January. Or rather, it came a few times at the beginning of January; but for a variety of reasons that are too silly/embarrassing to recount, I didn't pay any attention until Robert finally emailed me to say, "Hey, crazy, we've been calling you! Listen to your voicemail already!" (He used nicer words, but that was the general idea.) Again, it took me a day or two to get over my sheer, gut-twisting panic at the idea of actually going on the show for me to call him back... But then when I did, it was all over in a flash: he asked a few questions about my eligibility (whether I knew anyone who worked at Sony, etc.) and then said, "February 14th and 15th. You ready?"

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting There, Part I

The famous Jeopardy! pen, not acquired until long after the audition.
Being on Jeopardy! was not something that I'd ever seriously considered. I liked the show and enjoyed seeing how many clues I could answer when watching at home, but actually being on it? Yeesh. So much potential for public humiliation! Who wants that?